Early planning means a secure future. Including for businesses.

succession planning

Whether you are grooming a successor, selling the company or want to acquire another, this is a transaction that demands precision planning. We advise you on this milestone, making sure you will be delighted about the result.

Es gibt viele Beweggründe für den Kauf oder Verkauf eines Unternehmens oder eines Teils davon.

You may be wanting to focus on your core competencies, plan your succession, withdraw from entrepreneurship or launch your self-employment with a management buyout. From the initial idea through to a transaction's final conclusion, it involves a lot of work.

This includes evaluating companies, jointly defining the acquisition or sales strategy and negotiations. Our experienced specialists support you in this process every step of the way.

You can count on our comprehensive network to find the right counterpart. We will use our market knowledge to help you locate the ideal buyer or the perfect company. You will also benefit from our experience if you are planning to sell or pass on the company within your family.

Wir schaffen in Ihrem Interesse eine Konkurrenzsituation unter potenziellen Kaufinteressenten und führen bei Bedarf Due-Diligence-Prüfungen durch. Indem wir Ihnen helfen, rechtliche und steuerliche Rahmenbedingungen frühzeitig zu berücksichtigen, fliesst ein möglichst hoher Anteil des Verkaufspreises an den gewünschten Bestimmungsort.

We can do all of this for you, and more

  • Assist with the transfer and represent your interests
  • Prepare company evaluations
  • Carry out due diligence
  • Clarify the acquisition and sales strategy and conduct negotiations
  • Draw up contracts
  • Tend to legal affairs concerning marriage and inheritance, including execution of a will
  • Search for suitable buyers and successors
  • Advise on the bidding process