restructuring and reorganisation
Even well-established companies with a long history are unable to rest on their laurels. Dynamic markets demand continuous development. We help you to engage the future by reviewing the current situation and assisting as you adapt your organisation.
In time, many companies grow larger, broader and more complex than in their infancy. They often lose vigour as a result. Critical questions need to be answered: which areas continue to be profitable, which are losing funds? Which parts of the company have potential for development, and which geographic areas or market segments can be opened up?
An analysis may show that the organisation needs to adapt. Any restructuring or reorganisation within a company must be carefully thought out and competently executed. A demerger or change in legal form always aims to make a company fit for the market or an upcoming transfer.
We assist you in analysing the challenges of tomorrow, helping to determine the most successful and promising solution. All of this is based on our comprehensive experience in restructuring and reorganisation.
We can do all of this for you, and more
- Determine and analyse your current situation
- Assist with restructuring, mergers, demergers and changes to the legal form
- Prepare and assist with reorganisation